U. B. Goode

As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the soul will not emerge. — Henry van Dyke
Name: Victoria
Age: 22
Location: San Diego
I love sex with

What doctors wish patients knew about getting a vasectomy

By Sara Berg, MS When discussing reproductive health choices, one procedure has been gaining attention—especially since the fall of Roe v. Wade—for its effectiveness: the vasectomy. As individuals and couples explore long-term contraception options, vasectomies have emerged as a popular choice for those seeking a permanent solution—rates have increased by 26% in the past decade. …

The Lesbian Bed Death could be plaguing thousands of women

By Alice Giddings It may be 2024, but one controversial term from the 1980s is coming back from the grave. Lesbian Bed Death is, simply put, the idea that lesbian couples have less sex. It’s a sweeping generalisation of the gay community, but why has it gained traction? ‘Research by Blumstein & Schwartz in 1983 …

What Is “Natural” for Human Sexual Relationships?

— A biological and anthropological researcher explains how humans’ diverse ways of mating might have evolved. By Rui Diogo Marrying more than one person constitutes a crime across most of the Americas and Europe. But in countries including Mali, Gambia, and Nigeria, more than a quarter of the population lives in polygamous households. Survey the …

Top 10 drugs that may contribute to sexual dysfunction

By Naveed Saleh, MD, MS Key Takeaways A variety of prescription medications, along with the conditions they treat, may contribute to sexual dysfunction. Some of these drugs are known to interfere with sexual health, such as antidepressants and beta blockers; lesser known culprits include thiazide diuretics or opioids. Clinicians can help by being aware of …

Women’s sex lives were a mystery to men. Then along came Shere Hite

— A new documentary celebrates the life of the feminist pioneer who shocked the world – and about time too By Yvonne Roberts In a society in which nine-year-olds watch pornography and song lyrics are more explicit than The Kama Sutra, the revolution that Shere Hite helped to bring about in the 1970s, employing the …

How a Polyamorous Mom Had ‘a Big Sexual Adventure’ and Found Herself

— In her memoir, “More,” Molly Roden Winter recounts the highs and lows of juggling an open marriage with work and child care. By Alexandra Alter For anyone prone to experiencing secondhand embarrassment, there’s a scene in Molly Roden Winter’s debut, “More: A Memoir of Open Marriage,” that should come with a warning. Winter is …

What Are the Benefits of a Prostate Massage?

By Wendy Wisner A prostate massage involves stimulating and massaging the prostate gland with a finger or sex toy for either sexual release or to treat a medical condition like prostatitis, an enlarged prostate, urinary hesitancy, or erectile dysfunction. 1 The prostate gland is a small, walnut-shaped organ located just below the bladder and in …

A men’s sex coach shares 4 things he did to turn casual hookups into the best sex of his life

By Julia Naftulin Mens’ sex coach Alex Grendi says changing his mindset around intimacy transformed his sex life for the better. Grendi said four tips helped him make partnered sex more pleasurable for him and his partners. Following these tips can turn even one-night stands into amazing sex, Grendi said. Once a week, Alex Grendi …