Here’s How Long ‘Sexual Afterglow’ Actually Lasts, According to Science

Turns out great sex makes you feel good for longer than you think. By Zeynep Yenisey [W]e already know sex is really good for you, and can basically double as medicine. I mean, it increases your immunoglobulin A levels and makes your immune system stronger, protects against certain cancers, helps you sleep better, and it relieves …

10 tips for good sex in long-term relationships – for men and women

By Isabel Losada Make pleasure a priority A happy and nourishing sex life (for both partners it’s necessary to emphasise) is good for your mental health and your physical health. Tender and loving intimacy is central to your well-being and so your family’s happiness and this impacts on – well, everything. Don’t compare your sex …

Long-term sexual satisfaction: What’s the secret?

Once the flutters of a new relationship are over, for many, the slog of everyday life sets in. But how do you keep the spark alive? By Yella Hewings-Martin PhD [S]ex is a key factor in most romantic relationships. In fact, earlier this year, Medical News Today reported that the “afterglow” that newlywed couples feel for up to …