Pride 2022

Happy Gay Pride Month! It’s time, once again, to post my annual pride posting. In my lifetime I’ve witnessed a most remarkable change in societal attitudes toward those of us on the sexual fringe. One only needs to go back 50 years in time. I was 17 years old then and I knew I was …

‘Parental rights’ lobby puts trans and queer kids at risk

By Jen Gilbert & Victoria Rawlings The political right’s current strategy for fighting against LGBTQ+ equality is to frame discussions about sexuality and gender in school as an infringement on parents’ rights. In 2020, far-right Australian MP Mark Latham introduced a “Parental Rights” bill. The bill would have prohibited teachers from addressing any topic that …

Words matter

— Terms, pronouns and vocabulary to add to your everyday dictionary By Sharla Brown-Ajayi The glossary listed below is a list of terms used within the LGBTQIA community. This list is not completely comprehensive, as language is constantly evolving and new terms and identities are always forming. It is important to mirror the language someone …

Gender Transitioning in the Workplace

— An Employer’s Guide As workplace protections expand for the LGBTQ+ community, transgender and non-binary employees may feel more comfortable being their authentic self at work. As a result, you should be prepared to work with transitioning employees. Consider developing a plan with your human resources department to educate the workforce and foster an inclusive …

A guide to the words we use in our gender coverage

By Anne Branigin Over the last few years, the rights of transgender people — and those within the LGBTQ community more broadly — have increasingly become the subject of legal and political debate. School districts across the country have proposed book bans that strike the work of LGBTQ writers from reading lists. Florida has moved …

15 Simple Ways To Be A Better Lover To Your Partner

By Julie Nguyen If you’re asking yourself how you can be a better lover, you’re probably looking for tips to elevate your bedroom game. However, being good at sex isn’t always about making someone come harder (or faster). On the contrary, being a better lover is often more about increasing emotional intimacy and embodying open-hearted …

What Is The Kinsey Scale?

Visualizing Sexuality As A Spectrum By Stephanie Barnes Charts and scales can help better explain many things in life, and sexuality is no different. One of the most popular scales used to understand sexuality is the Kinsey Scale, which was created to help describe a person’s sexual orientation. Though not without its limitations, this scale …