Porn for Women

— 15 Feminist Porn Sites You’ll Really, Really Enjoy By martinerobert Many women watch pornography, but for a long time they found it impossible to find it. For women.. There’s a lot of feminist porn out there these days, but it can be a little tricky to find. Many free sites often feel like they …

Leather and Aging

by Steve Lenius Let me begin this column with what some might consider a five-letter word that’s taboo: A-G-I-N-G. I’ve been thinking a fair amount about aging lately, especially as it relates to the leather/BDSM/fetish community. I have written in this column about leather and aging before (in 2001, 2002, and 2007). But two things …

These Erotic Audio Platforms For Women Are Just What The Doctor Ordered

Better than a one-handed read. By Kinsey Gidick When it comes to getting in “the mood,” sometimes a little fantasy fiction is in order. But who wants to pull out a conspicuous paperback with a picture of Fabio on the cover? Romance novels are great and all, but for a more subtle X-rated option there …

The Queer Victorian Doctors Who Paved the Way for Women in Medicine

In an era when women were discouraged from entering the work force, these women forged ahead in a profession normally exclusive to men. By Olivia Campbell In the mid-19th century, Sophia Jex-Blake struggled against constant roadblocks as a woman trying to earn a medical degree—so she decided to establish a school of her own. Founded …

41 homophobic things straight people say every day without realising

‘Okay but who’s the man and who’s the woman?’ By Izzy Schifano, Georgia Mooney & Harrison Brocklehurst You’re probably homophobic. Even if you don’t think you are, or if you don’t mean to be, I guarantee that on a regular basis you say homophobic things you don’t even realise are actually incredibly rude and harmful. LGBTQ+ …

Pride 2021

Happy Gay Pride Month! It’s time, once again, to post my annual pride posting. In my lifetime I’ve witnessed a most remarkable change in societal attitudes toward those of us on the sexual fringe. One only needs to go back 50 years in time. I was 17 years old then and I knew I was …

How women and men forgive infidelity

Researchers report if one partner feels their relationship is threatened by cheating, it is harder for them to forgive infidelity, regardless of gender. Summary: Males and females view physical and emotional cheating differently. Women consider emotional affairs to be more serious, and men believe physical infidelity to be more serious generally. Researchers report if one …