Not tonight!

Why men are not always in the mood for sex By Marjorie Brennan A leading researcher challenges the belief that all men have higher sex drives than women. Many feel under pressure to initiate intimacy and would prefer greater equality in bed. It is one of the most famous phrases in the English language but …

Talking to your children about sex is ‘best way to avoid unwanted pregnancies’

By Hattie Gladwell Attention, parents: talking to children about sex is the best way of preventing unwanted pregnancies and the spread of STDs, a study has found. Talking to your kids about the birds and the bees can be uncomfortable, with many parents reluctant to do so. But research suggests that interventions involving parents and …

The Modern Monogamous Marriage Is Built on Lies, Not Sex Research

By Carrie Weisman With some exceptions, gender constructs have served men well in the modern world. It’s landed them in more high-powered positions. It’s gotten them higher wages. And, yeah, it’s given them license to pursue sex in ways that would lead women to be ostracized or shamed. In her new book Untrue: Why Nearly …

How right-wing purity culture leaves women with lasting psychological damage and self-hate

By Sarah K. Burris The so-called “purity” culture in the Christian evangelical community has made millions for churches and Christian swag manufacturers. However, it’s been harming millions of teens across the country who made a vow of chastity before marriage. Statistics reveal that 85 percent of men and 81 percent of women have sex prior …

Men sometimes act less interested in sex – in order to get it

In a new study, women said they acted a little more interested in sex than they really were. Men are the ones who apparently play cool most often. By: Steinar Brandslet When heterosexuals have casual sex, previous research indicates it is typically the woman who sets the boundaries. If she’s not interested, usually nothing will …

Not That Kind of Girl

In her influential 1959 Atlantic article, “Sex and the College Girl,” Nora Johnson predicted that young, educated women pursuing expansive new opportunities would likely end up disappointed. She spent the rest of her life finding out what could happen instead. By Annika Neklason Every few years, new concerns bloom about the changing ways young people …