5 Ways to Have Healthy Sex When You Have Diabetes

— Here’s how to continue enjoying intimacy By Mauricio González Age and the passage of time usher in many changes. But in all my years practicing medicine, one thing remains a constant: My patients want to continue having a fulfilling and pleasurable sex life, even if they’re dealing with health problems or chronic illness. One …

How to keep your sex life thriving after prostate cancer

— Poor sexual function is the most common consequence of prostate cancer treatment, but support through the NHS is patchy and many men suffer in silence. By Laura Milne When BBC presenter Gabby Logan and her husband Kenny, the former Scotland rugby union winger, experienced difficulties with their sex life after he had his prostate …

Tips on How to Increase Penis Sensitivity

— Experiencing a decrease in penis sensitivity can be a frustrating experience and something that people don’t often talk about. However, there are effective solutions available that can increase penis sensitivity and restore the pleasure experienced during sexual activities. This article will explore these solutions and provide valuable insights to help you regain a fulfilling …

This is what it’s really like to have sex in your seventies

— As research shows that more people are sexing their way through their seventies than ever before, WH unpicks why the thought of the older generation getting their kicks makes people so uncomfortable By Paisley Gilmour As Richard* reaches for the massage oil, Belle assumes her position facedown on the bed. Spreading the warm liquid …

Emily Morse Wants You to Think Seriously About an Open Relationship

By David Marchese For nearly 20 years, Emily Morse has been publicly talking with people about sex. She has done it in intimate, small-group conversations with friends; she has done it on radio and TV and social media; and the sex therapist has done it, most prominently, on her popular “Sex With Emily” podcast. A …

Seeking Sex Therapy

— Sexual dysfunctions affect a multitude of people throughout their lives. Therefore, it’s a common occurrence to visit a sex therapist. But, what motivates people to seek help? In this article, we’ll investigate. By Gorka Jiménez Pajares If you’re seeking sex therapy, you’re probably aware of its possible implications in other areas of your life. …

Epilepsy and Sex

— How Epilepsy Can Affect Sexual Health By Serenity Mirabito RN, OCN Attention to sexual health in people with epilepsy is often lacking. Sexual dysfunction, however, is a side effect of epilepsy and the medications that treat it. Although not fully understood, epilepsy can also cause endocrine disorders that negatively impact the reproductive system, leading …