Surrogate Therapy Takes a Hands-On Approach to Overcoming Sexual Trauma

—Up to and Including Intercourse By Shannon Gormley Touch, erotic or not, can communicate painful memories, insecurities and vulnerabilities that are hard to verbalize. One of the most revelatory moments of Carlene Ostedgaard’s career was the time she got an orgasm from having her shoulder touched. It happened a few years ago, when Ostedgaard, 35, …

Prostate Play

How To Massage One To Orgasm By Erika W. Smith People born with a penis are also born with a prostate — a walnut-shaped gland wrapped around the urethral canal. It’s often compared to the G-spot, because the prostate’s location is in a similar location inside the body and both can feel amazing when stimulated. People …

Healthy Sex On A Regular Basis Means A Healthy Brain

By Skye Mallon Healthy sex is something we should all aspire to achieve, regularly. It might make you laugh, but, it will seriously boost your brain health. Maybe you thought that your most important sex organ was the one between your legs. Realistically speaking, it’s your brain. Think about it, your brain controls every small …

How to Reignite Your Sex Life After Going Through Cancer

Your body will feel different. These tips can help. By Claire Postl After cancer, bodies and relationships change. In fact, many men find their sex lives look and feel different from their pre-cancer days. Although you may feel embarrassed or nervous to open up to your partner about sexual changes, talking about post-cancer intimacy can …

Fake Orgasms, They’re Not That Bad After All

By Lux Alptraum A short walk from my home on the Lower East Side of Manhattan lies Katz’s Delicatessen, one of the neighborhood’s biggest tourist attractions. It’s possible you’ve heard of Katz’s because of its famous pastrami sandwiches. But it’s equally likely you know it for reasons completely unrelated to its food: Katz’s is the …