Bisexuality Among Black Women Is On The Rise

New research provides some clues why Black women disproportionately account for a dramatic shift among bisexual identifying women. By Tristan Bridges and Mignon R. Moore Since 1972, social scientists have studied the General Social Survey to chart the complexities of social change in the United States. The survey, which is conducted every couple years, asks …

Homosexuality in nature: Bisexual and gay animals

By Tijen Butler So many people question if animals can be gay, and the answer is, of course. Every LGBT+ person will cringe upon hearing that their lifestyle is a “choice.” Unfortunately, people around the world still firmly believe that. For those who believe that homosexuality is a result of being “brainwashed” by society, they …

Gay, Straight, Or Bisexual – Which Group Of Men Are More At Risk Of Heart Failure?

By Adam Dupuis Can your sexuality increase or decrease your risk of heart failure?  A new study released by the NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing states that Bisexual men have a higher risk for heart disease compared with heterosexual men. Now, of course it is not because you’re sleeping with men, but it’s because …

More young Americans now identify as bisexual

One-quarter (25%) of people identified as something other than completely heterosexual, compared to 20% of people in 2015. By Jamie Ballard [F]ewer Americans today identify as completely heterosexual, according to new data from YouGov Omnibus. People were asked to place themselves on the Kinsey scale, where 0 is completely heterosexual and 6 is completely homosexual. …

Gay and bisexual male teens use adult dating apps to find sense of community, study shows

June is PRIDE Month By Darcel Rockett [F]inding one’s community is integral to adolescent development. The members of that community create space for relationships to grow. For some teens, that community is found on dating apps meant for adult gay men — apps that only require a user enter a birth date that coincides with …

One third of young people consider themselves gay or bisexual: study

By Andrea Downey A third of young people describe themselves as gay or bisexual, a new survey has revealed. Whereas just seven percent of baby boomers are equally attracted to both sexes or “mostly” attracted to the opposite sex — marking a stark generational shift. About 14 percent of those aged 16 to 22 say …

What it’s like to talk to your doctor about sexual health when you’re bisexual

There’s a misconception that bi people are just going through a phase — but what if our doctors believe it too? By Kate Sloan “Are you sexually active?” I’d been dreading this question since losing my virginity to a female friend a few weeks earlier, not long after my 16th birthday. Somehow, the harsh fluorescent …

Seven things you didn’t know about bisexual health

by Helen Parshall Bisexual Health Awareness Month is dedicated to raising awareness about the startling disparities that the bisexual community faces in terms of both physical and mental health. When compared against statistics for both heterosexual populations and their lesbian and gay peers, startling trends emerge in both social, economic, and health inequities. Here are …

Worried your partner might have a bisexual history? Why?

Myths about LGBTQ sexual health need debunking – and healthcare professionals are part of the problem By Phoebe-Jane Boyd “Use a condom, the pill, or get an IUD – avoid pregnancy” was the drill from sexual health practitioners who came to speak at my comprehensive school in Kent. There wasn’t much detail or thought beyond, …

Negative Attitudes Slow Acceptance of Bisexuality

By Rick Nauert PhD Although positive attitudes toward gay men and lesbians have increased over recent decades, a new study shows attitudes toward bisexual men and women are relatively neutral, if not ambivalent. Researchers at Indiana University Center for Sexual Health Promotion say their study is only the second to explore attitudes toward bisexual men …

A Brief History of Homosexuality and Bisexuality in Ancient China

By Zachary Zane 1 Bisexuality and homosexuality in Ancient Greece is (relatively) well-documented and understood, but same-sex love and romance in Ancient China is a little more complex and speculative. Still, there is recorded documentation of same-sex relationships in each of Ancient China’s many dynasties, and there are many things we know about how bisexuality manifested …