Female Power and Pleasure Go Together.

Just Ask Bonobos By Wednesday Martin Meet the non-human primates who tell us everything our culture doesn’t want to hear about female sexuality. You’ve probably heard about bonobos — close relatives of chimps who are somewhat skinnier, and are native to the Democratic Republic of Congo. In the popular imagination, bonobos have a somewhat hippie-ish …

How To Support A Partner Who’s Dealing With A Low Sex Drive

By Vanessa Marin, M.S. Most couples at some point find themselves in a situation where there’s a desire discrepancy: One partner wants more sex than the other person does. This situation is so common that I regularly have people coming to my sex therapy practice looking for solutions. The good news is that there are …

Apps are definitely changing our sexual behavior

We’re just not sure how By Mark Hay Plenty of analysis has whiffed on diagnosing the impact of dating apps on our behavior — but that doesn’t mean we’re immune. Recently, three researchers at Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s Observation and Research in Sexuality and Gender Matters (ORGASM) Lab, Alex Lopes, Cory Pedersen, and Kaylee Skoda, asked …

Not tonight!

Why men are not always in the mood for sex By Marjorie Brennan A leading researcher challenges the belief that all men have higher sex drives than women. Many feel under pressure to initiate intimacy and would prefer greater equality in bed. It is one of the most famous phrases in the English language but …

The Vagina Bible

This feminist gynecologist wants you to know your body and fight the patriarchy By Julia Belluz With her new book, Jen Gunter aims to fight the myths that plague women. Before the advent of C-sections, every human passed through one. But not everybody knows where it is. The vagina. Surveys have repeatedly shown that there’s …

Audio Porn?

Women Are Leading In The Multi-Million Dollar Category of Erotic Tech by Estrella Jaramillo Audio erotica and porn has been steadily growing on the Internet for years. Just Google the key words and you’ll find various podcasts, YouTube channels and even Reddit threads offering sexy sounds, sometimes crowdsourced from the community. However, the Aural Honeys …