Apps are definitely changing our sexual behavior

We’re just not sure how By Mark Hay Plenty of analysis has whiffed on diagnosing the impact of dating apps on our behavior — but that doesn’t mean we’re immune. Recently, three researchers at Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s Observation and Research in Sexuality and Gender Matters (ORGASM) Lab, Alex Lopes, Cory Pedersen, and Kaylee Skoda, asked …

Not tonight!

Why men are not always in the mood for sex By Marjorie Brennan A leading researcher challenges the belief that all men have higher sex drives than women. Many feel under pressure to initiate intimacy and would prefer greater equality in bed. It is one of the most famous phrases in the English language but …

The Vagina Bible

This feminist gynecologist wants you to know your body and fight the patriarchy By Julia Belluz With her new book, Jen Gunter aims to fight the myths that plague women. Before the advent of C-sections, every human passed through one. But not everybody knows where it is. The vagina. Surveys have repeatedly shown that there’s …

Do You Need Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

by Vanessa Marin You’ve probably never heard of pelvic floor physical therapy before, and that’s a shame: It’s an extremely helpful treatment option for a variety of difficult medical conditions. Your pelvic floor drapes across your pelvic area like a hammock, and supports the pelvic organs (the uterus, bladder, and rectum). It also assists with …

5 Signs an Open Relationship Could Be Right for You

(and 3 That It’s Probably Not) Sometimes it’s good to shut the door on monogamy. By Zachary Zane Here’s a universal truth we generally don’t discuss enough: It’s totally normal to fantasize about other people even when you’re so happy in a relationship that your heart almost bursts every time your partner wrinkles their nose …

What do we really know about male desire?

Not much, according to Canadian sex researchers By Zosia Bielski Although sex researchers historically gave male subjects centre stage, they paid surprisingly little attention to how men actually desire. Today, contemporary sexologists say our cultural understanding of men’s sex drive remains simplistic and leans on old clichés – that male libido is always sky-high, self-centred …

Can’t Climax?

This Might Be Why By Samantha Vincenty Ever needed to sneeze—nose tickling, whole body clenched, staring up at a light in hopes that a big “ACHOO!” will free you—only for the sneeze to somehow stall out, leaving you shaking clenched fists as you accept that the release just ain’t happening? Not being able to have …

These Badass Women Are Fighting To Close The Orgasm Gap For Good

by Carrie Arnold The big O can boost your mood, help you sleep better, strengthen your immune system, improve your relationship, and more. But it makes everyone—and we mean everyone (doctors, universities, government agencies)—flinch. WH investigates why women are getting the short end of the stick when it comes to getting off, and talks to …