What Our Skeletons Say About the Sex Binary

Society increasingly accepts gender identity as existing along a spectrum. The study of people, and their remains, shows that sex should be viewed the same way. By Alexandra Kralick She wasn’t especially tall. Her testosterone levels weren’t unusually high for a woman. She was externally entirely female. But in the mid-1980s, when her chromosome results …

Understanding Erotophobia or the Fear of Sex

By Lisa Fritscher By Lisa Fritscher Erotophobia is a generalized term that encompasses a wide range of specific fears. It’s generally understood to include any phobia that is related to sex. Erotophobia is often complex, and many sufferers have more than one specific fear. Untreated erotophobia can be devastating and may lead sufferers to avoid …

The Bored Sex

Women, more than men, tend to feel stultified by long-term exclusivity—despite having been taught that they were designed for it. By Wednesday Martin Andrew Gotzis, a Manhattan psychiatrist with an extensive psychotherapy practice, has been treating a straight couple, whom we’ll call Jane and John, for several years. They have sex about three times a …

The Sexy, Secret History of Leather Fetish Fashion

From post-war motorcycle groups to modern-day sex apps, this is the story of how leather became a symbol of masculinity and sexuality By Louis Staples This article is part of a series on AnotherManmag.com that coincides with LGBT History Month, shining a light on different facets of queer culture. Head here for more. “When I’m wearing my leathers, I …

For elders and others, drugs are available that aid sexual experience.

But insurers and Medicare won’t pay for them. By Michelle Andrews For some older people, the joy of sex may be tempered by financial concerns: Can they afford the medications they need to improve their experience in bed? Medicare and many private insurers don’t cover drugs that are prescribed to treat problems people have engaging …

For survivors, breast cancer can threaten another part of their lives: sexual intimacy

By Barbara Sadick Jill was just 39 in July 2010 when she was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Her longtime boyfriend had felt a lump in her right breast. Two weeks later, she had a mastectomy and began chemotherapy. The shock, stress, fatigue and treatment took its toll on the relationship, and her boyfriend …

If You’re Sexually Woke, Then Let Straight Men Experiment Freely

“Through [gay] experiences, I found out that I am completely straight. I won’t go back.” by Bobby Box When a woman mentions she’s had an “experimental phase,” it’s often shrugged off as a shared experience. But when men share this same information, the results are often more extreme: They’re teased, labeled gay, or their masculinity …

Why Female Sexual Dysfunction Therapy is Lacking

By Kevin Kunzmann The differences between the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) market for male and female sexual dysfunction therapies are severe, and Maria Sophocles, MD, doesn’t foresee the inequality lessening anytime soon. The medical director of Women’s Healthcare of Princeton told MD Magazine® that a proven and profitable field of male sexual therapies …