Divvying Up The Chores Can Lead To Better Sex

BY Pema Bakshi Keeping the spice alive in long-term relationships is something we’ll never stop trying to wrap our heads around. But according to new research, it’s less about mixing things up, and more about establishing equitable relations outside the boudoir, particularly when it comes to stimulating desire in women. Female desire is multidimensional. And, …

8 of the best books for couples who want to strengthen their relationship

Whether you want to work on your communication skills or understand your love languages, these are the best relationship books for couples. By Katherine Fiorillo Romantic relationships can be a source of unparalleled joy for couples, but nearly everyone who is or has been in a relationship can attest that they’re not always easy. Between …

The difference between ethical non-monogamy and cheating

By Julia Naftulin In monogamous relationships, a range of intimate interactions with other people could be considered cheating. This can lead to confusion about ethically non-monogamous relationships, where someone has multiple partners but isn’t cheating. According to a therapist, cheating isn’t black-and-white, but defined by an agreement partners make. People in monogamous relationships can’t seem …

Couples therapists share 6 relationship red flags you shouldn’t ignore

By Ashley Laderer Red flags in a relationship include excessive jealousy and frequent lying. You should also be wary of a partner that frequently criticizes you or puts you down. Another major red flag is an unwillingness to compromise — relationships shouldn’t be one-sided. We’re always told to steer clear of people who exhibit red …

How to Talk to Your Partner About What You Want in Bed

— Because Communication Is Sexy by Olivia Luppino If you want to have great sex, you’re going to have to speak up. Every person and every sexual relationship is different, so it’s important to be open with your partner about what works best for you. With all the historical stigma surrounding sex, prevailing slut-shaming, and …