How Does Chemotherapy Affect Your Sexual Health?

— Chemo is a powerful cancer treatment, but there are side effects you should be looking out for. By Jennifer Sizeland Chemotherapy is the chemical treatment of cancer using drugs. The primary purpose of chemo is to kill cancer cells, shrink tumors, relieve symptoms of untreatable cancer and prevent it from returning.ƒhealth It can be …

Five important things you should have learned in sex ed

– But probably didn’t By Áine Aventin If you grew up in the 90s and 00s, you may feel that sex education didn’t teach you much of practical value. Most sex education during this time followed a “prevention” approach, focusing on avoiding pregnancy and STIs, with most information largely targeted at heterosexual people. While some …

Bisexuals are the ‘invisible majority’ in LGBTQ America

By Daniel de Visé Nearly three-fifths of LGBTQ adults in America identify as bisexual, according to a new Gallup poll, a finding that illustrates the extent of a population that some researchers have termed the “invisible majority” of the queer community. Young Americans, and young women in particular, have widely rejected the notion of sexuality …

How the ancient Greeks viewed pederasty and homosexuality

— In many city-states, it was perfectly acceptable for older men to have sexual relationships with young boys. By Tim Brinkhof In ancient Greece, pederasty was the practice of older men serving as mentors to young boys in exchange for sexual favors. This practice was widespread, though customs and attitudes differed drastically from Greek city-state …