Book Signing News

We have this “thing” here in the Emerald City called Art Walk.  Actually a number of our neighborhoods have an Art Walk, but the granddaddy of ’em all is the Pioneer Square Art Walk.  It happens the first Thursday of every month rain or shine.  (And you can pretty much guess what happens most.)  All the hoity-toity fine art galleries in the area throw open their doors to us, the hoi polloi, and invite us in to sniff around the art, like if we knew what we were doing.  You know what they say; you can lead a horticulture, but ya can’t make us think. (Pardon me stepping all over your lovely quote, Ms Parker!)

Anywho, this coming Thursday, 11/07/13, on Art Walk evening, one of the most prestigious galleries in the whole freakin’ city, The James Harris Gallery, is gonna host me for a book signing.  Me, with all that art!  Holy cow; can ya stand it?

My friend, James Harris, so liked my book, Longfellow And The Deep Hidden Woods, that he offered to share my most recent children’s story with his patrons.  I hope all my friends, in and around Seattle, will mozie on down and check it out.  Say hello, and buy a book and don’t be surprised if you come away from it all covered in stinkin’ culture.


james harris 1longfellow square smalljames harris

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