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Product Review!SHARE by Fun Factory

“For those of you who have yet to figure this out, just by lookin at this marvel, SHARE is a wearable double dildo made of 100% medical-grade Silicone. This is surely a toy for two.

Check it out, the vagina owin’ partner inserts the shorter, more bulbous end into her who-ha. The shape of this insertable part is sure to stimulate her G-spot, don’t cha know. But that’s not all; there is an upward curve to the protruding cock-end of this device that’ll sure enough wind up smack-dab on your clit once the bulbous insert is in place. But wait, there’s more!.”

…full review here

2 Replies to “O JOY!”

  1. Dr. Dick,

    Thanks so much for this review! It is funny as we consider ouselves pretty sexaully liberated, yet we had seen this before and did not get it’s concept until reading your review! I can assure you, it will very soon make its way into our collection!!!


    P.S. We are adding you to our links list and we love your site!

  2. aww shucks! i’m a big fan of you guys too. i’ve added your link to my site too.

    i can’t believe i scooped you on the SHARE. but i’m glad i did. ya’ll gotta get one..or two. if you do, feel free to come back and post your review.

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